The answer to your question may not be what you were looking for, though. Cialis is not approved as a treatment for ejaculating too soon, so it is not recommended that you take it for this reason.
This is because clinical tests haven't shown that Tadalafil Vidalista 20 is a good way to treat the condition. In 2010, the first lab test to see if Tadalafil could be used to treat PE did not show statistically significant results. A more recent study, on the other hand, did find that Cialis made men wait longer before they ejaculated. But these results were self-reported, which could make it hard to trust the data.
A lot of the research on the link between Tadalafil and PE has not been done in a reliable way, which is a problem. One review of the studies done on how Viagra and Cialis affect PE found that 13 out of the 14 studies were flawed. In the last study that was part of the review, the drug did not help the condition in any way.
Because of this, it's not safe to say that Cialis can help with PE. But in one important way, it can help you stay in bed longer. If you can't keep an erection for as long as you'd like, these treatments for erectile dysfunction can help, because that's what they're made for.
Early sperm release and erectile dysfunction
Men with erectile dysfunction seem to have a much harder time with premature ejaculation. This is something that should be emphasised. One study found that as many as half of men with ED might have this problem, and Cialis can also help with this.
It's thought that the two conditions happen at the same time because men with ED tend to hurry to finish so they don't lose their erection. Also, performance anxiety related to ED is thought to contribute to the condition, since negative emotions and stress can interfere with and mess up the normal ways that the body gets excited. This can lead to a vicious cycle in which the symptoms get worse and more anxiety builds up.
If you feel like this, Cialis, Viagra, and other treatments for erectile dysfunction (ED) can help. Researchers have found that men who take these drugs have more confidence, feel less anxious, and get more pleasure from sex. This can make you more comfortable with sex, no matter how long you can last. It can also make you last longer. visit The USA Meds.